1. Know exactly all of your expenses . List all of your expenses - write all of them down to the specific and exact details. Know exactly the following detail about your expenses: i). What are they? Gas bill, electricity bill, water bill, hot water bill, food or grocery bill, home phone & internet bill, mobile phone bill, private health insurance bill, public transport tickets, fuel costs, car insurance bill, home insurance bills (building & content insurance, or renter's insurance), rent or mortgage payment, council rates, body corporate rates, socialising and entertainment expenses, etc. ii). Know when are they due, to the exact date or if not possible, to the exact period. For example, I know exactly that my mobile phone will be due on every 25th of the month, my private health insurance will be due on exactly every 1st of the month. For my annual home insurance bill, annual car registration cost and annual landlord's insurance bills, I k...
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