350+++ ways on How to save money - Part 13 (Mobile Phones)

How to save money on mobile phones

On buying the mobile phone

  1. Don’t always buy the latest mobile phone. Use whatever your company give you.
  2. Buy second hand.
  3. Buy during big discount (end of year or mid year).
  4. Keep your existing mobile phone nice, so you can sell it online and reduce the cost when you buy the new one.

On the monthly costs

  1. Shop around for the cheapest carrier that meet your needs.
    1. Know your needs. Do you need data or phone calls or international calls?
    2. For international call: you can reduce cost by using skype or line or whatsapp to call overseas.
    3. For texting: don’t pay for sms or mms, use line or whatsapp.
    4. Estimate how much data you need.
    5. Estimate how much phone call you actually need.
    6. Shop around for exactly what you need, wasted data and phone calls are waste of money.
    7. In the first month, observe your usage. If it is too little or too low, change it into the second month.
    8. Find out if you get phone allowance from your company? If you do, don’t forget to claim it from your company.
  2. Do you use your phone to earn income? Don’t forget to claim the expenses in your tax return. Just keep all the receipts and phone bills. Check www.ato.gov.au for more information.
  3. Don’t buy apps, don’t buy fees within apps. There are a lot of free apps that do the jobs.
  4. Turn off roaming when you are overseas.
  5. Be mindful of quota. Set limit and follow it.
  6. Kick contract plan. Use month by month. Buy the mobile phone on your phone, it is often cheaper this way.
  7. Bundle with your home phone and home internet provider.

On reducing data usage on your mobile phone
Try to keep your data usage to as low as possible by using this method:
  1. Don’t open too many internet explorer or chrome tabs
  2. Limit background data on all apps you have including gmail, whatsapp, line, etc.
  3. Don’t download pdf, pictures, app, and any other documents. Download at home, when your internet connection is unlimited.
  4. Do not stream, do not watch youtube, do not watch any video, do not listen to radio, podcast, google play, pandora, or any other music channel etc.
  5. Set data quota limits
  6. Set your mobile to stop mobile data, once limit is reached
  7. Don’t refresh your mailbox too often
  8. Do not use free wifi to use banking, etc.

On the cost to switch, to port numbers and to close existing number
  1. Be careful on the cost to port numbers and to close existing numbers.
  2. Be careful on the cost on requesting new SIM card.

©™ Kaizen Money Smartt

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