How to save money on Public Transport

  1. With public transport ticket, buying in bulk (monthly or yearly) is cheaper than daily or hourly.
  2. If you cannot use up the ticket on your own, but use quite a fair bit, share it with your family member. Arrange a schedule that will enable you to do so. To save money, you need to be able to take control over life.
  3. Take advantage of free travel time.
  4. Do online survey while commuting, earn money while on the go.
  5. Before you buy, plan your schedule. Don’t waste money buying during holiday/unused periods.
  6. Make full use of corporate discounts. Some companies offer discount if you buy through them or by being affiliated to them. Check your company’s intranet, call up the Public Transport company, check with your colleagues, HR and team leader.
  7. Check with your company if they will give you travel allowance, it will depend on your occupations. If you are a consultant or someone who works at different offices, you would normally get a travel allowance.
  8. Register your public transport ticket, this way your ticket will freeze if you reported that it is stolen or lost. This way your credit will not get used and will be  returned to you when you get your new card.
  9. Check other available discounts to you, student’s discount, government discount, etc.
  10. Before you buy or rent a house, choose one that is located close to work
Hidden Benefits of buying a house closer to work: it will be much easier to turn into an investment property later on. 
This means: You do not need to sell your home, and your mortgage repayment will be paid by the rental income that the house is deriving.

©™ Kaizen Money Smartt

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